numerology number 1 sun

numerology number 1 sun
numerology number 1 sun
numerology number 1 sun

NUMBER-1 (PAERT -2 numerology number 1 sun

numerology number 1 sun

What should eat by who is ruled by number 1 person –

These people should have to focus on eat food like easy to digest or improve digestion. like –

Barley, Citrus fruits, Ginger, Raisin, Honey, and dates.

What should not eat –


The numerology number 1 sun would have to avoid fatty food and also always take care of their health and do activities cause increase in stomach bile, no late-night food.

Particularly, Number 1 person should do setup exercise routine to relax and destress involve in anti-anxieties activities.

Yoga can also help to improve health The always wakeup before sunrise.


numerology number 1 sun

These persons are getting into a lot of affairs at the early age because they have great desire to love and beloved.

Although, They always attracted towards beautiful people who’s looking smart.

Moreover, These people always follow smartness and beauty but in spite of this they faces many obstacles and trouble in their marriage life.

However, There is reason behind faces of issues cause no 1 person is some negative traits like stubborn, impatience, inflexible, self-oriented people over -bearing nature.

These always want to command and control the situations all the time.

Even all these things negative traits after that these persons are loyal in relationship with their partner.


numerology number 1 sun

The ideal and best matches can found with 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9 numbers. these number people can consider their marriage, friendship, and all things

these people should avoid number 8 . with number 8 there is anti- relation.

these people can be neutral with 2, 7


numerology number 1 sun

Especially, These people are extremely confident and ambitious in nature these people have all traits like fully sun.

However, The like to be all the zenith of any things in their life and not like any kind of interfering of other people.

particularly, They are blunt and direct in their speech we can say these people are straight forward,

And also never like monotony in their work means these people can’t do work online always want new things in life and creative ideas.

Even these people innovate new concept in their life they do hard work for going at a higher level. they want always rule .


numerology number 1 sun


These number means past life debts and their reimbursement.

Although Karmic debts theory came under numerology this is totally outcomes of past life.

However, some number comes under karmic number -10th, 13th, 14th 16th and 19th)

2. 10TH number counted in karmic numbers.

These people are self- made person without any support of anyone.

Moreover, Always search new things for help in life growth, never expect to help from any other side.

Hence, These people always achieve a high point.

In numerology many people believe who born on 10th their past life balance sheet is completed.

These people are leaders. these people achieving success is main agenda of life. they have outstanding managerial skills.

They are very famous and popular in

their professional life and social circle although his

family person’s giving respect as

knowledgeable person in his family. they are always obeying of his decision.

We can say they are loyal and devoted towards and friends and these people feel pleasure in interacting with people.

1, People born are the 19th of any month


Nunumerology number 1

sunmber 19 also consider as karmic number in numerology –

There is believe behind the with 19 numbers of people their past life is very powerful and these people misuse\abuse of powers  in the past life and preen life like-


The number made by two numbers 1 and 9. there 1 represent is sun and 9 number represent mars.

Here we can see the twice energy of planet.

Sun and Mars both give their nature in a people.

So, these people are very successful in their life and also a goal

obdurate, rigid and find too difficult to cooperate with- acquainted person. These people feel kind vocally nature, but they are h people.

These people are versatile in nature and resourceful also

a type of fiery temperament in personality.

They need to lean to make adjustment for growth and successful life.

People who born on the 28th of any month

This number coined with moon and Saturn energy, but these people have

cooperative qualities of number 2 and practice qualities of no 8.These persons rule by sun, but his nature is giving importance to others point of view as well as understanding personality .

Similarly, Here can say sun loses some powers and influence, Saturn can bring obstacles and unnecessary delays in his life.

Thus, Lucky dates for who born on 1, 10, 19 , and 28

1 , 10 , 19 , 28,  3, 4 , 13 , 22 , and 31 is favorable

Unlucky numbers is 8, 17 , 26
This number rule by gold metal and ruby gemstone is suitable .
His lucky direction is east .
His lucky color is orange.

numerology number 1 sun

Here all things about number one person their positive aspects and negative aspects also .

Thus,Their nature , attributes and all.

Hence, These people health, relationship, what should eat, what should not to eat, lucky color, lucky number, lucky day, lucky stone,which direction for this number, about their career growth, etc. so on

Numerology works on people believes.


Planets and their attribute


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