Numerology and Planets
NUMBER helps us to predict our future
Today’s life people belief on NUMBERS system.
People want to do work via explores the connection between numbers and also want to know various aspects of lives.
They want to know the lucky or unlucky number, lucky color and unlucky color, lucky day, lucky mobile number, lucky car number, and also lucky house number,
although what number choose which is help to enhance their luck.

Moreover, Now days people take life related decision through numerology like, marriage compatibility they check through numerology,
Besides they want wife details like she is working or not she is perfect for family compatibility and many question people want to know through numerology.
People also checking which time is perfect for birth, which name suitable to newborn baby, which time is good for baby conceive,what perfect time for baby education launch, career affiliated result wants through number.
Today’s people want which is best education and sector for their baby, although many parents more concern about career .
Moreover, They want their baby to be perfect in their field and whatever they want to do.
Numerology and Planets
Which job is better for that person, when was the good time for job or business , job or business related any question ,
like change in job, promotion, govt job or private job, job quite better time, next better opportunity job, how,And when I get the job, even business is better or job.
People also curious about their health and many people many questions related to health , like health will be ok or not ,they don’t have ay Diseases like non incurable.
Foreign travels also can predict through numerology people can make career choices based on your ruling number.
In fact these number determine our personality traits.
It can also help us to overcome obstacles all these are major or minor question people ask to a numerologist.
Generally numbers can reveal many things about a person like personality, characteristics, behavior, career, love and relationship.
Numerology and Planets
In numerology 9 number are defined :-
Surya ( sun)
Moon (Chandram)
Jupiter (Guru)
Mercury (Budh)
Venus (Shukar)
Saturn (Shani) ,
Mars (Mangal)
Now we start the study of numbers
Planet and traits -:
1. SUN \ Surya- (king) –
Leadership quality, confident, authoritative, pioneer’s royal, trend setters, egoist.
In the first place they want live like as a first person or first position in real life .
2. MOON CHANDRMA-( queen)-
Emotional, gentle, slow, sensitive, seductive, intuitive, sensitive mood swings, seductive, creative, especially they are slow decision- making powers .
3. JUPITER \ GURU (adviser) –
Guru, trainer, hungry of knowledge, healer, spiritual, religious, particularly they are good preacher and counsellor.
4. RAHU – (suddenness) –
Travels a lot, confused, researcher, disciplined, organized, short tempered, rebellious, abusive, stubborn, logical impulsive.
As well as rahu people achieve everything with their hard work.
5. MERCURY \ BUDH- (money) –
Businesses man, money minded, happy lucky, lazy, dark horse, entertaining, communicative extrovert.
In fact they are good trader and doing well in stock market field
6. VENUS \SHUKAR -(luxury) –
Enjoyment, attractive, brand conscious, romantic, good communicator, manipulative, diplomatic, family, oriented, shrewd.
Generally venus people want more luxury and show off they want high standards and quality.
7. KETU (luck) –
Spiritual, deep Thinker, low in confidence, inquisitive, very good healer occult, spiritual, religious, researcher, introvert.
Besides all number these people are overthinker and painful area is relationship and health.
8. SATURN \SHANI- (hard work) –
Struggle, laborious, hard work, logical, argumentative, stubborn, law, finance, money, God believer, spiritual.
On the whole number they get success in later age of life.
9. Mars \ mangal (energy) –
Courageous, confident, good humanitarian, unpredictable, behaviors, warrior, rough and tough, and also some egoistic.
However, These people are egoistic but they are impulsive and humanitarian nature
How to calculate life path number \ destiny \ angel number:
Life path number:- sum of total date of birth on which you are born and reduce to a single digit.
For example- date of birth 14-04 -1994
its sum single digit total of date of birth
1+ 4 =5
DESTINY NUMBER:- sum total of whole date of birth (date + month + year)
for ex: – date of birth 14- 04 -1994
its sum single digit of total of dd+ mm+ yy
1+ 4 + 0 + 4 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 4 = 32 , 3+ 2 = 5
for male – 11 = eleven minus sums total year of
birth toa single digit.
for female + 4 four plus sum total year of
the birth to a single digit.
For example: date of birth 14 04-1994
1+ 9+9+4 = 23, 2+ 3 = 5
11-5 = 6 (for male)
4+ 5 = 9 (for female)
The important lotteries in a date of birth are LIFE PATH NUMBER and fortune number.
When they’re compatible favorable and auspicious life come successful.
But sometimes when they are unfavorable \ incomplete \ inauspicious the track of life gets weak.
Role of angel number the key role is played by the life path number and destiny number , but sometimes angel number becomes a game changer.
Life path number
life path number interpret our life : – Numerologists believes that life path number predicts our full course of life .
It can hint at the life opportunity and threats, Challenge and also victory of life.
It’s all based on our life date of birth.
Although it holds constant throughout our life acting and steady guide.
Moreover, We can choose any thing through this number our whole life depends on life path number.
This number explores what we are destined to do in our lifetime and destined to become.
Fortune number- fortune number is an extremely important element of numerology map.
Especially focus on the strrenghts we should use and develop to lead a fulfilling life.
Master’s number in numerology: –
There are 1 to 9 number that use in numerology to explores life and prediction for the future.
But in numerology some numbers are specific number set and considered as special and unique.
This set of number contain a universal impact and enormous significance to people who have it.
These numbers known as the master numbers.
Since the origin of numerology, numbers 11, 22, 33 are considered the master number.
Numerologists believe that the numbers have a good and excellent presence in the universe.
According to the Chaldean numerology, there occurs a mysterious force surrounding these special master numbers.
These number just repeat themselves.
As per numerology these number are extremely important accordingly to numerology,
Particularly there are major three master number- 11, 22, 33.
Other numbers also exist like 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, and 99 but these numbers are not considered as powers or master numbers.
However these number frequencies do not rank and work as a master number.
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Numerology and Planets